Breana Barnett

Name: Breana Barnett

CNA for 10 years working on LPN. Professionally Trained Birth and Postpartum Doula – DONA international.
Working on her Childbirth Education training. Sexual wellness trainings planned. 

Special interest: Breana wants to support every birther in their own way. She has a passion to work with all birthers from every background. She has a deep understanding with trauma and abuse. She knows how to listen and wants you to feel 100% supported through your whole pregnancy and labor.

Contact information

About Breana:
Breana is originally from CA after leaving the National Guard she decided to make her way to the Midwest, she has lived here for 8 years as of 2021. She has two beautiful rainbow children. She strives each day to teach them to love themselves and be themselves. Breana decided to become a Doula after her two births didn’t go as planned. She heard stories that saddened her and she knew she needed to help birthers around the world to have a more peaceful birth. She wants to educate, empower, and hopes to help birthers be bold! Breana wants to be your option fairy, by letting you know you have a choice and your wishes/voices won’t go unheard. Breana also wants to make it known, she’s here not only for you, but for your partner as well.